viernes 31 de enero de 2025


viernes 31 de enero de 2025


Media denounce U.S. double standard in Covid-19 coronavirus case

Washington, Feb 19 (Prensa Latina) The United States is practicing a double standard in dealing with the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, according to media reports.

While there is an active fight in China and around the world to combat the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, some U.S. politicians and media accuse China, questioning the effectiveness of its response to the epidemic, reports the Web site

However, he says, the US people see frequent outbreaks of flu, and its government not only reacts with extremely low efficiency, but also remains silent.

The contrast reveals a double US standard, the publication stresses.

Washington barely reacts to issues like the flu, and according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 35.5 million people contracted the flu during the 2018-19 season and 34,200 deaths were recorded as a result of that illness, it says.

The press release states that the United States is turning a blind eye to the speed and effectiveness of China in the fight against the virus.

Building a hospital in a week, pooling resources across the country and sending them to the epicenter of the epidemic are things that the Washington government, with its weak disaster relief capabilities, could never do, he notes.



La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad

El consorcio conformado por la Ong OIKOS Cooperãçao e Desenvolvimento, el Gobierno Municipal de Cienfuegos y la Universidad Carlos Rafael Rodríguez tiene la intención de adjudicar el siguiente contrato de suministro en el marco del proyecto “Trazos Libre.

La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad”, cofinanciado por la Unión Europea y el Instituto Camões de Portugal, en Cuba, bajo la línea temática «Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y Autoridades Locales»:

  • Equipamientos para los emprendimientos culturales del Distrito Creativo La Gloria, Cienfuegos ( O.12 – 2023/TL)

Se invitan a los proveedores interesados a obtener el expediente de licitación en la representación de OIKOS en Cuba sita en Calle 26 n.61, entre 11 y 13, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, o escribiendo el correo electrónico E-mail

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