domingo 16 de marzo de 2025


domingo 16 de marzo de 2025


Angola’s authorities broaden educational campaign against SARS-CoV-2

Luanda, May 1 (Prensa Latina) Governmental authorities and traditional leaders in Angola are currently reinforcing the social awareness campaign against the Covid-19 pandemic, which today keeps the country in a State of Emergency.

The representative here of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Gherda Barreto announced the delivery of eight million kwanzas (about 15,000 dollars) to support the communication campaign in rural areas, led by the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women (MASFAMU).

A sum of 84 brigades, with 10 activists each, are in charge of spreading the prophylactic messages in the countryside, also resorting to the use of national languages in order to facilitate understanding, said the head of the MASFAMU, Faustina de Almeida Alves.

So far, Angola registers a single infection by local transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it is a 16-year-old girl, resident in Luanda, whose father contracted the disease in Lisbon, Portugal; the rest are classified as imported cases from an epidemiological point of view, indicated the Secretary of State for Public Health Franco Mufinda.

The greatest impact of the novel coronavirus is in the economic area due to the additional expenses for the healthcare network, financial aid to companies and families, the reduction of incomes due to the decline in international oil prices and the temporary closure of various productive activities.

In a message for International Workers’ Day, President João Lourenço reiterated that the government continues being attentive to the most urgent needs of citizens, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

The decision to declare and extend the State of Emergency, he noted, responds to the desire to safeguard the lives of Angolans, but success against the Covid-19 pandemic requires the participation and collaboration of all citizens.
