sábado 18 de enero de 2025


sábado 18 de enero de 2025


Demonstrators block roads in Peru despite police raids

Lima, Dec 22 (Prensa Latina) Agricultural workers on Tuesday continued to block an important highway for the second day in two regions of Peru, and the police has failed to clear the route, in the face of protesters´ resistance.

The law enforcement officers could reopen the Pan-American highway after launching tear gas early in the morning, as it had been blocked in the southern region of Ica and the northern region of La Libertad, in demand of better wages and working conditions.

However, the peasants regrouped in other points of the route and blocked it, a sequence that is repeated over and over again until in Ica, whose capital is 300 kilometers off. The police declared they had exhausted all tear gas charges and claimed five officers were wounded.

Witnesses noted that the strongest resistance was reported in Chinatown, where many agricultural workers are currently living. They added that some rioters threw homemade fire bombs at the police force.

Some 520 kilometers north of Lima, the law enforcement agents surrounded the urban area of Victor Raul neighborhood and reopened the road in the morning, but not permanently.

General Cesar Cervantes, head of the National Police, acknowledged the 2,000 police officers sent to unblock the route are conducting a long-term raid and that every time a road closure is replaced, they will clear it again.



La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad

El consorcio conformado por la Ong OIKOS Cooperãçao e Desenvolvimento, el Gobierno Municipal de Cienfuegos y la Universidad Carlos Rafael Rodríguez tiene la intención de adjudicar el siguiente contrato de suministro en el marco del proyecto “Trazos Libre.

La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad”, cofinanciado por la Unión Europea y el Instituto Camões de Portugal, en Cuba, bajo la línea temática «Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y Autoridades Locales»:

  • Equipamientos para los emprendimientos culturales del Distrito Creativo La Gloria, Cienfuegos ( O.12 – 2023/TL)

Se invitan a los proveedores interesados a obtener el expediente de licitación en la representación de OIKOS en Cuba sita en Calle 26 n.61, entre 11 y 13, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, o escribiendo el correo electrónico E-mail chiara.vighi@oikos.pt

Las ofertas deberán ser entregadas en la sede de OIKOS en Cuba antes del día 31 de enero ( 6:00 pm hs de Cuba)  o por e-mail a las direcciones de correo siguientes: chiara.vighi@oikos.pt, cruzcruzarnaldo@gmail.com
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