viernes 31 de enero de 2025


viernes 31 de enero de 2025


Cuban experts say time is important in investments

Havana, Feb 20 (Prensa Latina) Time is a major indicator in investments, and failing to comply with that parameter affects the quality of the works under construction, experts said at the TV program Mesa Redonda (Round Table), when reporting on the progress of investments in Cuba.

The director of investments at the Cuban Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), Manuel Alvarez, said that problems have been identified in the execution of works, including the lack of preparation by the institutions when delivering the projects, poor supervision and non-compliance with deadlines.

The official explained that in the case of investments in the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM, in Spanish) and tourism, they have a differentiated treatment in order to speed them up.

For his part, MEP Deputy Minister Adonis Nuñez underlined that investors are the main subjects in any process of that kind in both Cuba and any other country, they must have the highest preparation and responsibility, because they coordinate all factors for the investment to have the highest quality and the lowest cost, in addition to fulfilling its objective.

Participants in the program also answered questioned made by TV viewers regarding the quality of investments, agriculture and food, and harvests, among other topics.

MEP Deputy Minister Roberto Perez said in that regard that more than 200 small industries have been built over the past few years in the agri-food sector, and ten others will start up operations in 2020.



La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad

El consorcio conformado por la Ong OIKOS Cooperãçao e Desenvolvimento, el Gobierno Municipal de Cienfuegos y la Universidad Carlos Rafael Rodríguez tiene la intención de adjudicar el siguiente contrato de suministro en el marco del proyecto “Trazos Libre.

La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad”, cofinanciado por la Unión Europea y el Instituto Camões de Portugal, en Cuba, bajo la línea temática «Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y Autoridades Locales»:

  • Equipamientos para los emprendimientos culturales del Distrito Creativo La Gloria, Cienfuegos ( O.12 – 2023/TL)

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