viernes 31 de enero de 2025


viernes 31 de enero de 2025


Covid-19 death toll amounts to 28 in Vietnam

Hanoi, Aug 26 (Prensa Latina) Vietnam today reported a death by Covid-19, bringing the death toll from the disease to 28 since its outbreak in the country seven months ago.

The deceased was living downtown in Da Nang city, the main sources of the virus in the Indo-Chinese nation, and although he was only 36 years old, efforts to save him were wasted because he suffered from chronic end-stage renal disease, peritoneal dialysis, heart failure and hypertension. According to Health Ministry officials, among the active cases, nearly 30 have a compromised health because they also suffer from serious underlying diseases.

Most of them also live in Da Nang (about 760 kilometers south of Hanoi), where on July 25 there was a new outbreak of the disease when it was almost under control and the country was preparing to revive the economy.

At that time, Vietnam only reported 417 positive cases and had been free of native infections for 99 days. Since then, there have been 612 cases, of which 547 (89 percent) are directly or indirectly related to it, the fifth most populous city in the country.

Of the 1,029 positive people during these seven months of harassment from the new coronavirus, 592 are recovered.

Currently, throughout the country, more than 70,000 people are under quarantine or under medical monitoring in specialized centers or in their homes, almost all of them nationals repatriated from other nations, a process that is still underway.



La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad

El consorcio conformado por la Ong OIKOS Cooperãçao e Desenvolvimento, el Gobierno Municipal de Cienfuegos y la Universidad Carlos Rafael Rodríguez tiene la intención de adjudicar el siguiente contrato de suministro en el marco del proyecto “Trazos Libre.

La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad”, cofinanciado por la Unión Europea y el Instituto Camões de Portugal, en Cuba, bajo la línea temática «Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y Autoridades Locales»:

  • Equipamientos para los emprendimientos culturales del Distrito Creativo La Gloria, Cienfuegos ( O.12 – 2023/TL)

Se invitan a los proveedores interesados a obtener el expediente de licitación en la representación de OIKOS en Cuba sita en Calle 26 n.61, entre 11 y 13, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, o escribiendo el correo electrónico E-mail

Las ofertas deberán ser entregadas en la sede de OIKOS en Cuba antes del día 31 de enero ( 6:00 pm hs de Cuba)  o por e-mail a las direcciones de correo siguientes:,
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