domingo 19 de enero de 2025


domingo 19 de enero de 2025


Another dead as result of repression against protesters in Chile

Santiago de Chile, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) The death of 24-year-old Ariel Jesus Moreno, who was hospitalized since Thursday adds yet another victim of the violent repression against popular protests in Chile.

Moreno was hospitalized in the capital in the early morning on Thursday with a bullet lodged in his brain, following protests in the municipality of Padre Hurtado, on the outskirts of the city.

As per the medical reports, the young man was impacted by “a high-velocity, high-prenetration object, so much that it perforated the skull and generated significant brain damage,” and remained in a coma until his decease.

Ariel Moreno’s death is added to another three deaths that took place this week during the protests in the capital, with a man reported dead during a fire at a supermarket, and another young man run over by a bus.

But the first fatal victim was Jorge Morena, 37 years, who at night on Tuesday was run over by a heavy truck of the Carabiniers corps upon leaving a stadium after a soccer game.

This generated large protests, which increased after it became known that the Carabinier responsible for this was set free, with just the obligation of reporting on a weekly basis and being forbidden from leaving the country, since the judge determined it was just a “justified negligent conduct.”

Since then the nights and early mornings in the capital have been full of violent protests, spearheaded by the local hooligans, with attacks on Carabinier precincts, arson of buses of urban buses, and looting of commercial establishments, among other violent acts.



La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad

El consorcio conformado por la Ong OIKOS Cooperãçao e Desenvolvimento, el Gobierno Municipal de Cienfuegos y la Universidad Carlos Rafael Rodríguez tiene la intención de adjudicar el siguiente contrato de suministro en el marco del proyecto “Trazos Libre.

La contribución de la cultura y la tradición para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad”, cofinanciado por la Unión Europea y el Instituto Camões de Portugal, en Cuba, bajo la línea temática «Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y Autoridades Locales»:

  • Equipamientos para los emprendimientos culturales del Distrito Creativo La Gloria, Cienfuegos ( O.12 – 2023/TL)

Se invitan a los proveedores interesados a obtener el expediente de licitación en la representación de OIKOS en Cuba sita en Calle 26 n.61, entre 11 y 13, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, o escribiendo el correo electrónico E-mail

Las ofertas deberán ser entregadas en la sede de OIKOS en Cuba antes del día 31 de enero ( 6:00 pm hs de Cuba)  o por e-mail a las direcciones de correo siguientes:,
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