The meeting, which will take place four years after the signing of the Agreements will review the progress of its implementation and how much remains to be done.
According to Juan Fernando Cristo, former Minister of the Interior, and part of this group, the Conference will take place in a conversational and constructive tone in favour of peace, focusing on the assassinations of social leaders and ex-guerrillas, on the armor of the transitional justice system agreed upon in Havana and to be able to guarantee truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition and the issue of reincorporation in the territories.
Let’s Defend Peace in Colombia reiterated in a recent communiqué its concern over the increase in massacres and the poor support for productive projects, crop substitution, displacement of groups of ex-combatants, and actions taken by the government against one of the guarantor countries, the text adds.
Laura Gil, one of the leaders of the initiative, explained that next Saturday’s meeting is urgent to «move forward with the analysis of the state of implementation, make visible multiple deficiencies and achieve minimum commitments to rescue the Peace Agreement from weakness.
On September 26, we will have our international conference, where millions of people around the world will demonstrate that we have surrounded the peace agreement and that we are committed to implementing each point of the agreement as a budget for the new country we dream of, stressed Caribe Afirmativo, an organization that defends sexual and gender diversity in the Caribbean.